My wife made me watch: The Ghost Writer

I swore I knew what the twist was in this movie. I was not even close. If you haven’t seen this film and don’t want it spoiled, then go watch it and come back. Spoilers lie ahead.

I knew once they revealed the former Prime Minister had joined his political party earlier than originally thought that he and Emmet had switched lives at Cambridge. I don’t have any idea how I got there or what it would have even meant, but it made the most sense to me. That’s what this film does. It makes you think you know what’s happening. It makes you think you might somehow be in control of the story. You aren’t. You’re just a pawn, but it’s so worth it. I will be a pawn all day in this movie.

The big reveal that his wife had been behind his rise to power with the backing of the CIA was so brilliantly done. When you go back and think about her role by her husband’s side and how she hated being forced out by the new girl it’s so obvious the control she once had. The attitude she harbored towards the previous ghost writer that went unnoticed becomes glaringly obvious after the film fades to black. How many bodies lie at the feet of this woman? That’s only one part of many puzzle pieces in this film.

It’s been a good 30 minutes since it ended and I still feel shaken as my brain tries to navigate through the maze this movie dropped me into. I have that feeling you get when you are trying to put together something bigger than you. The Ghost Writer takes you so far and then hammers it’s truth on you so quickly and so eloquently that you’re left dizzy.

I really can’t go into detail on this one. I wanted to immediately replay this film. I feel out of breath. I feel different because of this film. It’s a rare feeling from movies these days.

Final Thoughts

I loved it. I couldn’t recap it. I could barely review it. I wouldn’t tell you anything new. These kind of films are the reason I watch movies. I want to feel changed and confused. I want to watch something that feels familiar, but is actually something way beyond anything I expected. Crap. Just watch The Ghost Writer if you haven’t seen it. I might have spoiled the end, but I by no means spoiled the film.

Next time: My wife has been sick with the flu and has requested more time to think of her next pick. I’ll let you know soon.

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